DRIED KELP - KONBU ~ all about spices and herbs
What would a dish without spices? I am sure that the answer is ... too plain a.k.a boring......... !! And it's true that spices enrich our food and our lives, too. That's why I include assorted spices below, just to make sure that your life is not too plain or too bored to live.............

Thursday, March 6, 2008


Dried kelp or konbu, probably the most important seaweed in Japanese cooking, is an essential ingedient in basic dashi stock. It has a dark brown color, often with whitish patches of salt and is sold in strips or small folded sheets. Wipe with a damp cloth but do not soak before using. When cooked, it expands into smooth, green sheets which are discarded before serving. One-inch (2 1/2 cm) squares of salted dried kelp (shio-konbu) available in plastic packets, are either enjoy as a snack or used as a savory accent in some dishes.

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